The McMinn County Education Foundation has given away more than 500,000 Imagination Library Books!
The Imagination Library program was started in Dolly Parton's hometown of Sevierville, Tennessee. In the beginning, Dolly sent every child from birth to five years old in Sevierville a free, high quality, age appropriate, educator selected book every month. Since its inception, this program has spread to all 95 counties in Tennessee, some areas in all 50 states, and Australia, Great Britain, and Canada, with each program financing the purchase of its books. The cost of the books is matched in Tennessee by the Governor's Early Literacy Foundation with McMinn County's part being approximately $12 per year for each child registered.
In McMinn County there are approximately 2,850 children in this age range, and on average, 2,550 of them are registered. The MCEF makes every effort to enroll ALL eligible children.
In McMinn County there are approximately 2,850 children in this age range, and on average, 2,550 of them are registered. The MCEF makes every effort to enroll ALL eligible children.
Because of the high percentage of children registered in McMinn County, our program is typically ranked top one or two in Tennessee of all 95 counties.

You can help put books into the hands of every child in McMinn County!
To sponsor a child, mail your check payable to MCEF to:
MCEF; PO Box 2; Athens, Tennessee 37371-0002
For One Year - $12
For Two Years - $24
For Three Years - $36
For Four Years - $48
For All Five Years of program eligibility - Only $60
Got Caught Reading! McMinn County's Imagination Library Impact